Y2 project week 5: Final overview

Week 5:

 If you are interested and want to see the preparation for the whole project, this link takes you to the other group blog year2interactivesandbox.blogspot.com. Which contains some useful information.

1- Group meeting (19/02/2019)
In the last meeting of our group we discussed about..

-The user interface.
-Poster and its contents.
-The problems faced in the fourth week and how to solve it.
-Week 5 work.

2- Supervisor meeting (21/02/2019)

In the fourth meeting with the supervisor the following points have been discussed about..

-Bench inspection and poster (be prepared for any unexpected issues and project failures).
-The poster and what should be included on it.
-The log book.
-The blog, edit some parts and make some improvements.
-About the question that it could be asked and be prepared for it.
-3D printer and what library we could use.
-Try to improve the similarity of the game (add sounds and timer) to make the game more interesting.
-Change the theme of the interface.

3-Lab (01/03/2019)


The Augmented Reality (AR) Sandbox Game project is a game project based on the equipment from AR interactive sandbox and the depth data from the Xbox Kinect camera. The programming language used in this project is C++. The aim of this project is to excite users about the engineering. Users might experiment with simpler concepts of elevation coloring and shape knowledge while playing the different games.

Group Photo

AR Sandbox Game project is a game project based on the equipment from AR interactive sandbox project. Figure below is the group photo of two group members.
Figure 1: Group photo

shape game

The final version of the "make a shape" game has been finished. As figure below, two progress bars have been added to display on the sand to show the similarity and time respectively.
Figure 2: progress bar to show the similarity and time respectively
Before game starts, there will be 5 seconds for user to prepare, the shape will also show on the sand. For the Great Britain map, there will also a real map shows on the touch screen, as figure 4 below.
Figure 3: Before start, shape show on the sand
Figure 4: A real map shows on the touch screen

Figure 5: Player trying to shape the GB map
As video shows below, there will also have a clock sound to remind users the time. Finally, user scores will be printed on the sand.

                                                              Video 1: Player trying to shape the GB map

water flood

The water flood function will show the increasing process of the sea level visually. This function could be used to show the effect of the global warming. Video below shows this progress.

          Video 2: Water flood function

lunar theme

To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon lading, a lunar surface theme was considered to add on this project. To pretend the shadow, dark colors are used.
Besides, Audio was added on the lunar theme. Video and figure below show the final view of the lunar theme

Video 3: Lunar theme to celebrate the 50th anniversary of moon lading

Figure 7: Toys used to simulate moon landing
Figure 8: Lunar theme

Touchable User Interface

Touchable UI can make users easier to interact with the sandbox. To reduce the respond time of the touchable screen, many methods were tried. The UI shown in Figrue below, can decrease the response time of the screen significantly. However, the UI is not easy for user to understand. Due to the limitation of time, better UI framework was not finished by members. However, in future work, the group will keep tiring to complete the UI design.
Figure 9. Touchable user interface
4-Problems,Issues and Concerns

-Change the theme of the interface.
-Try to make the response time faster.
-print 3D of the sandbox.
-Make the poster more clear and academic(git red of silly mistakes and improve it).

5-Plan for next week

-Meet on Wednesday with other group to summaries up all the work left and prepared for bench day.
-practice the presentation.
-Discuss about the report of the project


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