Y2 project week 4: Game test based on the new short throw projector

Week 4: 
Overview: In this week, a stronger supporter was used to setup the new short throw projector and Kinect camera. Based on the new projector, the lunar theme, "Make a shape" game and water flood function were tested. Meanwhile, a low GPU-consuming user interface was tested.

1- Group meeting (19/02/2019)

In the fourth meeting of our group, the following points have been discussed about..

-Updating the UI.
-The poster with other group in order to make it looks as one poster .
-The sustainability report and start writing some ideas.
-Check the work left from last weeks and get it done
-Week 4 work.

2- Supervisor meeting (21/02/2019)

In the fourth meeting with the supervisor the following points have been discussed about..

-Bench inspection and poster.
-The poster and what should be included on it.
-The log book.
-About the question that it could be asked and be prepared for it.
-3D printer and what library we could use.

3-Lab (22/02/2019)

Sandbox Updates
In this week, a stronger supporter was used to setup the new short throw projector and Kinect camera (Figure 2 below). Besides, as figure below, the normal and lunar theme were tested based on new projector.
Figure 1. The sandbox theme and lunar theme

Figure 2. A stronger supporter was used for the sandbox

User Interface Updates

In this week, the designer finished the third test version of the touchable user interface. To make the interface more effective and reliable, background pictures and words were deleted to save the loading time. Figure below shows the tested version of the new user interface.
Figure 3: Third test version of touchable user interface

"Make a Shape" Game Finished

There are five different shapes (Figure below) the user can choose to play and get real time score in the limited times. Three easy-to-make shapes, circle, square and triangle. One medium difficulty shape, heart shape. And one hard shape, the Great Britain map. For the first three shapes, each player can choose one shape and have 1 minute to make, for the heart shape, player will have one and a half minutes, and for the Great Britain map, player will have three minutes to make.
Figure 4: Fives shapes the user can choose for the game

Figure 5. The square shape was built and tested

Figure 6. The circle shape was built and tested

Figure 7. The heart shape was built and tested 

                                                                       Video 1. Make a circle and get real-time score

Leader Board Added

To make the "Make a shape" game more competitive and interesting, a simple leader board, which shows the top three scores of each shape, was added. However, to save the performance of the computer, the leader board will be shown only when it is called. Besides, if a player break the highest score of the choosen shape, the word "New record!" will show on the sand.
Figure 8.  A simple leader board was added

Water Flood Function Finished

The water flood function, which can show the see level rise process, has finished and been tested this week. Once the user press the flood button, the sea level will rise in the next few seconds. Video below shows this process (in this video, the sea will not stop raising).
                                                              Video 2. Water flood function to simulate the sea level raise
4-Problems,Issues and Concerns

-The position of the buttons in the touchscreen should both suit for children and adults.
-The user interface is not finished because designer is trying hard to make it works in best performance

5-Plan for next week

-Meet on Monday and summary this week work.
-Discuss about the poster and the report for sustainability.
-Test the project and finish the  blog.


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